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Wireless Early Warning System - Home - KwêBeams. KwêBeams offers wireless outdoor security systems that operate on standard AA batteries and have a unique built-in siren. You can control the system with the mobile … kwebeams. Motion Sensors - KwêBeams kwebeams

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. [email protected]: 062 384 8534 [email protected] 062 384 8534. Menu. Home; Mobile App; Products; Support; Contact; Where to Buy; Motion Sensors. By: …. Application - KwêBeams. As a KwêBeams Agent/Reseller please confirm and agree to the following: You and Your Technical team have worked through the KwêBeams User manual, as published on the …. Wireless Control Unit - KwêBeams - kwebeams. A total of 32 devices can be monitored when 4 sensors share a Zone number kwebeams. It receives Alarm, Tamper and Low battery signals to give a visual & audible overview of the complete system kwebeams. The Wireless Keypad is … kwebeams. KwêBeams Early Warning Security Systems | Krypton Security. KwêBeams is a standalone wireless outdoor early warning system that compliments other security systems, such as indoor alarm systems, perimeter protection or surveillance …. KWÊBEAMS. KWÊBEAMS TABLE OF CONTENT About Kwêbeams 1 Security Products Kwêbeams 1 Products Wireless Passive Infrared Beam 2 Wireless Control Unit …. Contact - KwêBeams. [email protected]. Support. [email protected]. Call US George Branch. 062 384 8534 kwebeams

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. Our team is happy to answer your questions. Fill out the form below and …. Products Archive - KwêBeams. With the unique angle mount bracket the beams can be mounted to face 5 different directions: 45° facing left using bracket 22.5° facing left using bracket 0° without bracket …. Kwebeam Wireless Anti-Masking Passive Infrared Beam. The system is completely wireless and powered by standard AA alkaline cells kwebeams. All wireless beams can transmit & receive signals for reliable 2-way communication. Built-in repeater … kwebeams. Wireless Early Warning System - KwêBeams. Kwêbeam User Guide V2.2 5 2 Installation Guide 2.1 Identify best installation position for sensors 0.8m – 1.2m mounting height. Bottom lens must. Video Support - KwêBeams. [email protected] 062 384 8534. Menu

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. Home; Mobile App; Products; Support; Contact; Where to Buy; Video Support. By: Carsten Niemand. On: January 27, 2022. …. KweBeams 4 x Beams Anti Masking Kit – Security2Africa. KweBeams 4 x Beams Anti Masking Kit. R 12,500.00. Shipping calculated at checkout. Quantity. Add to Cart

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. The Kwêbeam system has been designed to be effective & easy to install

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. One outdoor sensor with a …. GSM Control Unit - KwêBeams. The SMS control unit provides full Kwêbeam system control via SMS and is easy to setup and use

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. The KwêBeam system can be Armed / Disarmed with SMS commands or a simple drop call kwebeams. SMS notifications reports alarm, trouble and battery status for 8 individual zones. The unit monitors the power state & will generate a SMS notification in the . kwebeams. KwêBeams - Apps on Google Play

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. KwêBeams is a Wireless Early Warning System to help protect your property. Contact - KwêBeams. [email protected]. Support. [email protected] kwebeams. Call US George Branch. 062 384 8534. Our team is happy to answer your questions kwebeams. Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible kwebeams. Name * Contact Number * Email * Comment or Message * Submit. WHERE TO BUY kwebeams. As the . kwebeams. Angle Mounting Bracket - KwêBeams. BRAND: KweBeams. PRODUCT CODE: BRK01. With the unique angle mount bracket the beams can be mounted to face 5 different directions: 45° facing left using bracket. 22.5° facing left using bracket. 0° without bracket. 22.5° facing right using bracket. 45° facing right using bracket. Installation info. kwebeams. Video Support - KwêBeams. If you have any difficulties with your Kwêbeams Setup, always feel free to contact our Customer Support on: 062 384 8534 kwebeams. GSM Control Unit - KwêBeams - kwebeams. The SMS control unit provides full Kwêbeam system control via SMS and is easy to setup and use. The KwêBeam system can be Armed / Disarmed with SMS commands or a simple drop call. SMS notifications reports alarm, trouble and battery status for 8 individual zones. The unit monitors the power state & will generate a SMS notification in the . kwebeams

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. Standard Motion Sensor - KwêBeams kwebeams. ABOUT THE STANDARD BEAM. The Kwêbeam system has been designed to be effective & easy to install. One outdoor sensor with a keypad completes a fully operational outdoor alarm system. Additional sensors, keypads, SMS control units, repeaters and interface modules can be added as required. A fully programmable built-in siren provides an .

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. Mobile App - KwêBeams kwebeams. The GSM Unit. The KwêBeams GSM Unit does not only give you access to the mobile application, but it also gives you the ability to control the system via your phones SMS System. Plenty of settings are granted from the Mobile app, such as Customizable Names for each Sensor, Home and Away arm modes with individual zone Bypass, Home Entry … kwebeams. Motion Sensors - KwêBeams. [email protected] 062 384 8534. Menu. Home; Mobile App; Products; Support; Contact; Where to Buy; Motion Sensors. By: Carsten Niemand. On: December 5, 2022. Wireless Passive Infrared Beam. The Kwêbeam outdoor alarm system is fully functional with only one Beam and one Keypad, however multiple Keypads & Beams can be added to …. Mobile Keypad - KwêBeams. The Keypad is used to control the Kwêbeam system. This includes arming and disarming all beams, bypass individual Zones & making programming changes to any Kwêbeam device. The panic button can be used to sound all Beam sirens at the same time kwebeams. The Keypad monitors 8 individual zones with the option to assign more than one sensor …. Application - KwêBeams. As a KwêBeams Agent/Reseller please confirm and agree to the following: You and Your Technical team have worked through the KwêBeams User manual, as published on the Website. The ZONE 9 concept is understood kwebeams. The system has ONE and only ONE Zone 9, which also acts as the Base station of the System. Agent/Reseller to be first line support …. Wireless Control Unit - KwêBeams - ABOUT THE WIRELESS CONTROL UNIT / KEYPAD. The Keypad is used to control the Kwêbeam system. This includes arming and disarming all beams, bypass individual Zones & making programming changes to any Kwêbeam device. The panic button can be used to sound all Beam sirens at the same time. The Keypad monitors 8 individual zones with …. App Error Help - KwêBeams - A few months ago, we received news from Google that their IOT service will be discontinued by August 16 2023. We went through great lengths and managed to run our own service to continue bringing proactivity to the palm of your hands.. KWÊBEAMS. KWÊBEAMS TABLE OF CONTENT About Kwêbeams 1 Security Products Kwêbeams 1 Products Wireless Passive Infrared Beam 2 Wireless Control Unit 4 Wireless Range Extender 5 Interface Module 6 SMS Control Unit 7 Technical Specifications 8 MAKE YOUR HOME SMARTER

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